The Time To Protect Yourself With Adequate Insurance Coverage Is Before A Motorcycle Accident (this blog specifically applies to PA residents only).

Let’s face it, the joy of motorcycle riding comes with inherent risks. And while I wish you (and myself) the safest of rides, that is why they call them “Accidents.”

The following are a few pointers to help prepare you with adequate insurance in the unfortunate event that you are involved in a motorcycle accident with another vehicle which is not your fault.  (I encourage you to explore these and any other applicable insurance coverage options in detail with your insurance agent).

First, your Motorcycle Insurance policy should have collision coverage which will cover the damages to your motorcycle itself.

Next, in Pennsylvania there is no personal injury protection (PIP) coverage to pay for your medical bills under a Motorcycle Insurance policy, so you should make sure to have adequate health insurance coverage through another source, such as your employer. Your health insurance carrier may have a subrogation claim to recover the amounts it pays on your medical claims in the event that you are involved in a motorcycle accident with another driver which is not your fault and you recover compensation from that driver or his insurance carrier for your injuries. You may include these medical costs in the value of your claim against the at fault driver.

Last, but certainly not least, is my strong recommendation that you arm yourself with adequate Uninsured Motorists Coverage (“UM”) and Underinsured Motorists Coverage (“UIM”) on your Motorcycle Insurance policy and perhaps any other insurance policy applicable in your household. UM provides coverage under your own insurance policy where the other       at-fault driver is uninsured, that is, without bodily injury insurance to cover your injury claim. UIM provides coverage under your own insurance policy where the other at-fault driver is not adequately insured, that is, does not have enough bodily injury insurance to cover your injury claim.

Finally, ask your insurance agent whether stacking applies in your situation. Stacking is an option to multiply the amount of insurance coverage available to you by the number of vehicles insured under your Motorcycle Insurance policy, and also potentially multiply the amount of insurance coverage available to you by the number of vehicles insured under any other insurance policy applicable to your household.

Safe riding!